Saturday, August 02, 2008

Potery: English: Someday

someday I will say, this far and no more
someday I will stand and say, fall no more
someday I will see my face in a spring of water
love what I see and think of no more

someday I will be the picture and not the pieces
someday I will be the destination not the traces
someday I will see the spirit not the faces
someday I will feel the people not the images

someday I will live life, not the dream
someday I will want you, not your notion
someday you will meet me, not my imagination
someday we will find love, not its apparition

someday nothing will exist, but me and you
someday nothing will be desired, but me with you
someday I will fear nothing, but me without you
someday it will be the same, this me and you



Benny Sumer Yanthan said...

Good one!! Indeed, someday!!

m@dz said...

INSPIRING, vivek.i'd sure love to read ur buk..looking forward for more..